WDM 실습 - 간단한 키보드 제어

from Study/WDM 2007/11/30 19:54 view 29916
1. H/W 제어
- IRQ( Interrupt request ) : 15개의 인터럽트를 갖는다.
- CPU는 8259 칩 2개를 사용하여 입력포트를 늘린다.(7개(1개는 다른 8259칩이랑 연결) + 8개 )

- 60, 64번포트를 사용하여 읽어오고 내보낸다.
- out, in 특정 포트를 사용하는 기본적인 명령어 이다.(인텔명령어)
- 호환성을 높이기 위한 MS는 매크로를 만들어 놨다.
 => WRITE_PORT_CHAR(), READ_PORT_CHAR()       // HAL( hardware abstract layer )

=> 키보드에 달려있는 3개의 LED를 깜박인다. (-_-..안되는 것도 있다. )
#include "ntddk.h"
#include <stdio.h>

VOID rootkit_command_thread(PVOID context);
HANDLE gWorkerThread;
PKTIMER    gTimer;
UCHAR g_key_bits = 0;

// commands
#define READ_CONTROLLER        0x20
#define WRITE_CONTROLLER    0x60

// command bytes
#define SET_LEDS            0xED
#define KEY_RESET            0xFF

// responses from keyboard
#define KEY_ACK                0xFA    // ack
#define KEY_AGAIN            0xFE    // send again

// 8042 ports
// when you read from port 64, this is called STATUS_BYTE
// when you write to port 64, this is called COMMAND_BYTE
// read and write on port 64 is called DATA_BYTE

// status register bits
#define IBUFFER_FULL        0x02
#define OBUFFER_FULL        0x01

// flags for keyboard LEDS
#define SCROLL_LOCK_BIT        (0x01 << 0)
#define NUMLOCK_BIT            (0x01 << 1)
#define CAPS_LOCK_BIT        (0x01 << 2)

ULONG WaitForKeyboard()
    char _t[255];
    int i = 100;    // number of times to loop
    UCHAR mychar;
    DbgPrint("waiting for keyboard to become accecssable\n");
        mychar = READ_PORT_UCHAR( KEYBOARD_PORT_64 );


        _snprintf(_t, 253, "WaitForKeyboard::read byte %02X from port 0x64\n", mychar);

        if(!(mychar & IBUFFER_FULL)) break;    // if the flag is clear, we go ahead
    while (i--);

    if(i) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

// call WaitForKeyboard before calling this function
void DrainOutputBuffer()
    char _t[255];
    int i = 100;    // number of times to loop
    UCHAR c;
    DbgPrint("draining keyboard buffer\n");
    do { c = READ_PORT_UCHAR(KEYBOARD_PORT_64); KeStallExecutionProcessor(666); _snprintf(_t, 253, "DrainOutputBuffer::read byte %02X from port 0x64\n", c);

        if(!(c & OBUFFER_FULL)) break;    // if the flag is clear, we go ahead
        // gobble up the byte in the output buffer
        _snprintf(_t, 253, "DrainOutputBuffer::read byte %02X from port 0x60\n", c);
    while (i--);

// write a byte to the data port at 0x60
ULONG SendKeyboardCommand( IN UCHAR theCommand )
    char _t[255];
    if(TRUE == WaitForKeyboard())

        _snprintf(_t, 253, "SendKeyboardCommand::sending byte %02X to port 0x60\n", theCommand);

        WRITE_PORT_UCHAR( KEYBOARD_PORT_60, theCommand );
        DbgPrint("SendKeyboardCommand::timeout waiting for keyboard\n");
        return FALSE;
    // TODO: wait for ACK or RESEND from keyboard   
    return TRUE;

void SetLEDS( UCHAR theLEDS )
    // setup for setting LEDS
    if(FALSE == SendKeyboardCommand( 0xED ))
        DbgPrint("SetLEDS::error sending keyboard command\n");

    // send the flags for the LEDS
    if(FALSE == SendKeyboardCommand( theLEDS ))
        DbgPrint("SetLEDS::error sending keyboard command\n");

VOID OnUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject )
    DbgPrint("ROOTKIT: OnUnload called\n");
    KeCancelTimer( gTimer );
    ExFreePool( gTimer );
    ExFreePool( gDPCP );

// called periodically
VOID timerDPC(    IN PKDPC Dpc,
                IN PVOID DeferredContext,
                IN PVOID sys1,
                IN PVOID sys2)
    SetLEDS( g_key_bits++ );
    if(g_key_bits > 0x07) g_key_bits = 0;

NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT theDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING theRegistryPath )
    LARGE_INTEGER timeout;

    theDriverObject->DriverUnload  = OnUnload;

    // these objects must be non paged
    gTimer = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,sizeof(KTIMER));
    gDPCP = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,sizeof(KDPC));

    timeout.QuadPart = -10;

    KeInitializeTimer( gTimer );
    KeInitializeDpc( gDPCP, timerDPC, NULL );

    if(TRUE == KeSetTimerEx( gTimer, timeout, 300, gDPCP))    // 300 ms timer   
        DbgPrint("Timer was already queued..");

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
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